tales of gendered aptitude and experience in educational carework
challenges and solutions
shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand
benefits of expanded social networks to patients with psoriasis
Helander M, Landauer TK and Prabhu P (eds) Handbook of human-computer interaction, second edition, Elsevier Science BV, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
a meta-analysis
in C
of M
in U
joint M
of P
joints F
Reviving Community Networks: Hyperlocality and Suprathresholding in Web 2.0 Designs
Providing proper affordances when transferring source metaphors from information appliances to a 3G mobile multipurpose handset
Designing Paralinguistic Digital Affordances for Social Support
Validation of trunk kinematics analysis through serious games rehabilitation exercises using the Kinect™ sensor
Observations of computing students on the homogeneity of their classrooms
Digital Outdoor Play