Implementação de Sistema Tutor Inteligente para Geotecnia
Prediction of Soil Properties from the Concepts of Energy Transfer in Dynamic Penetration Tests
Discussion: Loading Tests on Circular and Ring Plates in Very Dense Cemented Sands
Interpretation of Plate Load Tests on Residual Soil Site
Behavior of Five Large Spread Footings in Sand
Characterization of Cemented Sand in Triaxial Compression
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
SBIE 2004
SBIE 2004 - Artigos Resumidos
Nilo César Consoli
Maria Isabel Timm
George de Paula Bernardes
Marcelo Maia Rocha
Edgar Odebrecht
Raymundo Carlos Machado Ferreira Filho
Prática de Informática na Educação: Ambiente de Experiência ITAE com alunos da Universidade de Brasília (UnB)
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