A Survey of Computer Vision-Based Human Motion Capture
Super-resolution: a comprehensive survey
Controlling urban lighting by human motion patterns results from a full scale experiment
A survey of advances in vision-based human motion capture and analysis
Machine Vision and Applications
Computer Vision and Image Understanding
Proceedings of the 20th ACM international conference on Multimedia - MM ’12
Volker Krüger
Hans Jørgen Andersen
Esben Skouboe Poulsen
Adrian Hilton
Tobias Thyrrestrup
Rikke Gade
Temporal Coherent Video Super-resolution via Pre-frame-constrained Sparse Reconstruction
Responsive Lighting: The City Becomes Alive
Choreographic buttons
Revealing the Architectural Quality of Media Architecture
Evaluation of on-line analytic and numeric inverse kinematics approaches driven by partial vision input
Human Body Tracking with Electric Field Ranging