The role of habit in social network game play
Designing Paralinguistic Digital Affordances for Social Support
Crystallization: How Social Media Facilitates Social Construction of Reality
Are there generational differences?
One Click, Many Meanings: Interpreting Paralinguistic Digital Affordances in Social Media
The role of social media in shaping first-generation high school students’ college aspirations: A social capital lens
Computers in Human Behavior
Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Social Media & Society - SMSociety ’15
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media
2011 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
Computers & Education
Brian J. Bowe
Nicole Ellison
Jessica Vitak
Caleb T. Carr
Rebecca A. Hayes
Erin L. Spottswood
First-Generation Students and College: The Role of Facebook Networks As Information Sources
Reciprocal Habituation: A Study of Older People and the Kinect
Platforms, People, and Perception: Using Affordances to Understand Self-Presentation on Social Media
Designing Leaderboards for Gamification
Free Pile Sort as a Method to Understand Gender Differences