The labor of fun how video games blur the boundaries of work and play
Effects of content and time of delivery on receptivity to mobile interruptions
Looking for Gender: Gender Roles and Behaviors Among Online Gamers
The Demographics, Motivations, and Derived Experiences of Users of Massively Multi-User Online Graphical Environments
Do men heal more when in drag?
Introverted elves & conscientious gnomes
Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments
Proceedings of the 2011 annual conference on Human factors in computing systems - CHI ’11
CyberPsychology & Behavior
Journal of Communication
Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Human computer interaction with mobile devices and services - MobileHCI ’10
Les Nelson
Nicolas Ducheneaut
Mia Consalvo
Mike Yao
Ralph Schroeder
Scott Caplan
Designing Effective Gaze Mechanisms for Virtual Agents
The Avatar Affordances Framework: Mapping Affordances and Design Trends in Character Creation Interfaces
Understanding the Role of Community in Online Dating
Playing Support: Social Connectedness Amongst Male Videogame Players
Jogo para o Apoio ao Ensino do Teste de Caixa-Preta
Personalized Gaming for Motivating Social and Behavioral Science Participation