Attaining a more Flexible and Manageable Discretization for Complex Timed Systems

Complex systems have been widely investigated using formal techniques for testing and verifying critical aspects of their reactive behavior. Such behavior is usually captured by the notion of context transformations that interact with the environment. Other aspects require timed models to describe the systems' continuous evolution in time. In this work, we propose a timed context formalism able to model the combination of time evolution and context transformations. Further, we derive a more flexible and manageable strategy to discretize such models and prove correctness of the discretized model against the original one. The flexibility to find suitable granularities both to time evolution as well as to values of context variables opens the possibility for constructing more compact grid automata. Based on this discretizing approach we present a testing framework to automatically generate test suites from the resulting automata. The test suites can then be used to verify properties of candidate implementations with the aid of test purposes.