Mobile interaction design
Accounting narratives a review of empirical studies of content and readability
Socio-Theoretic Accounts of IS: The Problem of Agency
Robust real-time object detection
Organizing digital music for use: an examination of personal music collections
Research in the wild: understanding ‘‘in the wild’’ approaches to design and development
Truex D.
Marsden G
Chamberlain A
Andy Crabtree
Shoemaker, P.
Rogers, Y
Searching for music: understanding the discovery, acquisition, processing and organization of music in a domestic setting for design
Two strands of servitization: A thematic analysis of traditional and customer co-created servitization and future research directions
Wearable Computing to Enable Robot Microinteractions
A Semiotic Approach to Critical Reasoning
Usability Challenges in Smartphone Web Access: A Systematic Literature Review