Pfaffian Graphs
It is well known that, in general, the problem of determining the number of perfect matchings of a graph is NP-hard. Some graphs, called Pfaffian, have a special type of orientation that is also called Pfaffian. Given a Pfaffian orientation of a graph G, the number of perfect matchings of G may be evaluated in polynomial time. Two (not necessarily Pfaffian) orientations are similar if they differ by a cut. Similarity is an equivalence relation on the collection of orientations of a graph. If an orientation is Pfaffian then every similar orientation is also Pfaffian. \par For any Pfaffian matching covered graph G, the number of similarity classes of Pfaffian orientations of G is equal to $2^b$, where b denotes the number of bricks of the tight cut decomposition of G. \par The following four problems are polynomially equivalent, that is, given a polynomial algorithm for any of the four problems it is then possible to find polynomial algorithms for the other three problems: (i) determine whether or not a graph is Pfaffian, (ii) determine whether or not a given orientation of a graph is Pfaffian, (iii) determine whether or not a graph is Pfaffian, in case it is Pfaffian, find a Pfaffian orientation for the graph, and (iv) determine the number of similarity classes of Pfaffian orientations of a graph.