Neurorehabilitation using the virtual reality based rehabilitation gaming system: Methodology, design, psychometrics, usability and validation
A randomized controlled pilot study in the acute phase of stroke using the Rehabilitation Gaming System
A Novel Brain-Based Approach for Multi-Modal Multi-Target Tracking in a Mixed Reality Space
A location-based Augmented Reality system for the spatial interaction with historical datasets
Spatializing experience: a framework for the geolocalization, visualization and exploration of historical data using VR/AR technologies
J NeuroEngineering Rehabil
Habbo Knoch
Pedro Omedas
Stefan Wilbricht
Sytse Wierenga
Daniel Pacheco
Emanuel Felipe Duarte
RehabNet: A distributed architecture for motor and cognitive neuro-rehabilitation
The World-as-Support
Magic Mirror for Neurorehabilitation of People with Upper Limb Dysfunction Using Kinect
The fun.tast.tisch. project– A Novel Approach to Neuro-Rehabilitation Using an Interactive Multiuser Multitouch Tabletop
The fun.tast.tisch. Project – Interactive Tabletops in Neuro-Rehabilitation