Awkward encounters of an “other” kind
Going to college and staying connected
Limiting, leaving, and (re)lapsing
Proceedings of the ACM 2012 conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work - CSCW ’12
Proceedings of the 17th ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work & social computing - CSCW ’14
Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI ’13
Eric P.S. Baumer
Tony C. Liao
Phil Adams
Jeremy Birnholtz
Vera D. Khovanskaya
Charles Lai
Mobilizing Government: Inter-Organizational Collaboration Using Open Social Media Platforms
Platforms, People, and Perception: Using Affordances to Understand Self-Presentation on Social Media
Dyslexia in SNS
Supporting a Sense of Connectedness: Meaningful Things in the Lives of New University Students
Embarrassing Interactions
Personality Depends on The Medium