Enactive Systems and Enactive Media: Embodied Human-Machine Coupling beyond Interfaces
Creativity As Disruptive Adaptation—A Computational Case Study,
A Neuropsychologically based approach to creativity
Computer imagination using pattern recognizers with recurrent activity control
An enactive interface for playing physical sound synthesis of bowed string instruments
Sound rendering
Proceedings of the 19th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques - SIGGRAPH ’92
M., et al., Kaipainen
Rasmus Vuori
Pia Tikka
James Hahn
Marco Rapino
Niklas Ravaja
Enactive media - generalizing from enactive cinema
Rigid-body Fracture Sound with Precomputed Soundbanks
A Framework for Motion Based Bodily Enaction with Virtual Characters
Rigid-body fracture sound with precomputed soundbanks
Embodiments, visualizations, and immersion with enactive affective systems