Re-evaluating the First Five Years of the GrandIHC-Br-Challenge 3: Ubiquity, Multiple Devices and Tangibility

FURTADO, E. S. ; NOVA, G. V. ; GASPARINI, I. ; MIRANDA, L. C. ; BARBOSA, M. ; ALENCAR, T. S. ; NERIS, V. P. A. . Re-evaluating the First Five Years of the GrandIHC-Br-Challenge 3: Ubiquity, Multiple Devices and Tangibility. In: Simpósio Brasileiro sobre Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais (IHC), 2017, Joinville. Proceedings of the 16th Brazilian symposium on human factors in computing systems (IHC2017) - Grand Research Challenges, 2017. p. 583-589.