High dynamic range display systems
User Elicitation on Single-hand Microgestures
The tradeoff between spatial jitter and latency in pointing tasks
User interface façades
ACM Transactions on Graphics
Proceedings of the 19th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology - UIST ’06
Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGCHI symposium on Engineering interactive computing systems - EICS ’09
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI ’16
Wolfgang Heidrich
Xing-Dong Yang
Helge Seetzen
Olivier Chapuis
Nicolas Roussel
Dusty Phillips
Anchored Customization: Anchoring Settings to the Application Interface to Afford Customization
An evaluation of game controllers and tab-lets as controllers for interactive tv applications
High dynamic range texture compression for graphics hardware
Repurposing Emoji for Personalised Communication