Interaction frogger
Designing in virtual reality
Augmenting fun and beauty
Proceedings of the 2004 conference on Designing interactive systems processes, practices, methods, and techniques - DIS ’04
INTERACT ’93 and CHI ’93 conference companion on Human factors in computing systems - CHI ’93
Proceedings of DARE 2000 on Designing augmented reality environments - DARE ’00
J. P. Djajadiningrat
S. A. G. Wensveen
P. J. Stappers
Gerda Smets
Squeeze, Rock, and Roll; Can Tangible Interaction with Affective Products Support Stress Reduction?
Crossing the Bridge over Norman’s Gulf of Execution: Revealing Feedforward’s True Identity
From perception to experience, from affordances to irresistibles
Beyond Affordance: Tangibles’ Hybrid Nature