But how, Donald, tell us how?
Tangible products: redressing the balance between appearance and action
Push me, shove me and I show you how you feel
Proceedings of the conference on Designing interactive systems processes, practices, methods, and techniques - DIS ’02
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing
Tom Djajadiningrat
Kees Overbeeke
Joep Frens
Slurp: Tangibility Spatiality and an Eyedropper
Squeeze, Rock, and Roll; Can Tangible Interaction with Affective Products Support Stress Reduction?
Crossing the Bridge over Norman’s Gulf of Execution: Revealing Feedforward’s True Identity
Exploring the Relations Between Physical Objects and Digital World with a Geometric Sorting Board
AfterMath: Visualizing Consequences of Actions Through Augmented Reality
The Previewable Switch: A Light Switch with Feedforward