Quickdraw: the impact of mobility and on-body placement on device access time
FIDO - facilitating interactions for dogs with occupations
Project Glass: An Extension of the Self
Using GPS to learn significant locations and predict movement across multiple users
Aiding the Detection of Play Behaviors" at Ubicomp 2009
FIDO—Facilitating interactions for dogs with occupations: wearable communication interfaces for working dogs
Proceedings of the 17th annual international symposium on International symposium on wearable computers - ISWC ’13
IEEE Pervasive Computing
2009 International Symposium on Wearable Computers
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers - ISWC ’16
Clint Zeagler
Scott Gilliland
Larry Freil
Pentland A.
Daniel Ashbrook
D. Plaisted
Canine Computer Interaction: Towards Designing a Touchscreen Interface for Working Dogs
Grip Sensing in Smart Toys: A Formative Design Method for User Categorization
Gesture-Based Interaction in Domotic Environments: State of the Art and HCI Framework Inspired by the Diversity
Interaction on the Edge: Offset Sensing for Small Devices
Wearable Computing to Enable Robot Microinteractions
The Intelligent Numpad: Detection of Mode from Spatial and Temporal Keystroke Characteristics