A near-linear time ?-approximation algorithm for geometric bipartite matching
Mergeable summaries
k-means projective clustering
Computing similarity between piecewise-linear functions
Efficient algorithms for geometric optimization
Discrete & Computational Geometry
Proceedings of the 44th symposium on Theory of Computing - STOC ’12
Proceedings of the 2010 annual symposium on Computational geometry - SoCG ’10
ACM Transactions on Database Systems
Proceedings of the twenty-third ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART symposium on Principles of database systems - PODS ’04
SIAM Journal on Computing
Ke Yi
Zhewei Wei
Graham Cormode
Micha Sharir
Zengfeng Huang
Alon Efrat
Matrix Sketching Over Sliding Windows
Computing the Distance between Piecewise-Linear Bivariate Functions
Approximation algorithms for the mobile piercing set problem with applications to clustering in ad-hoc networks
Subspace Clustering Using Log-determinant Rank Approximation
Compact Summaries over Large Datasets