A procedure to detect problems of processes in software development projects using Bayesian networks
A model-based architecture for testing medical cyber-physical systems
A model to detect problems on scrum-based software development projects
Using Survey and Weighted Functions to Generate Node Probability Tables for Bayesian Networks
ThinkContacts: Use your mind to dial your phone
2011 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE)
Expert Systems with Applications
2013 BRICS Congress on Computational Intelligence and 11th Brazilian Congress on Computational Intelligence
Proceedings of the 29th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing - SAC ’14
Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing - SAC ’13
Angelo Perkusich
Hyggo Oliveira de Almeida
Lenardo C. Silva
Gustavo Soares
Taciana S. Rached
Frederico Moreira Bublitz