Comparing free hand menu techniques for distant displays using linear, marking and finger-count menus
Looking glass
Proceedings of the 2012 ACM annual conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI ’12
Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI ’13
Jörg Müller
Gilles Bailly
Michael Nischt
Florian Alt
Eric Lecolinet
Tongyan Ning
The Lay of the Land: Techniques for Displaying Discrete and Continuous Content on a Spherical Display
The Bicycle Barometer: Design and Evaluation of Cyclist-Specific Interaction for a Public Display
What Makes You Click: Exploring Visual Signals to Entice Interaction on Public Displays
Evaluating performance and acceptance of older adults using freehand gestures for TV menu control
GazeHorizon: Enabling Passers-by to Interact with Public Displays by Gaze
Using Embodied Audio-visual Interaction to Promote Social Encounters Around Large Media FacAdes