An Interaction Tool for Immersive Environments Using Mobile Devices
A tablet-based 3D interaction tool for virtual engineering environments
A Robotics Framework for Planning the Offshore Robotizing Using Virtual Reality Techniques
A VR Framework for Desktop Applications
Dynamic Adjustment of Stereo Parameters for Virtual Reality Tools
A collaborative VR visualization environment for offshore engineering projects
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and Its Applications in Industry - VRCAI ’11
2011 XIII Symposium on Virtual Reality
2012 14th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality
OTC Brasil
2008 32nd Annual IEEE Software Engineering Workshop
Proceedings of the 12th ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and Its Applications in Industry - VRCAI ’13
Alberto Barbosa Raposo
Felipe Gomes de Carvalho
Daniel Pires de Sá Medeiros
Lucas Teixeira
Daniel R. Trindade
Manuel E. Loaiza