Color-Shape Histograms for Image Representation and Retrieval

Color is a commonly used feature for realizing content-based image retrieval (CBIR). In this context, this paper presents a new approach for CBIR which is based on well known and widely used color histograms. Contrasting to previous approaches, such as using a single color histogram for the whole image, or local color histograms for a fixed number of image cells, the one we propose (named Color-Shape) uses a variable number of histograms, depending only on the actual number of colors present in the image, which our experiments have shown often to be low. Our experiments using a large set of heterogeneous images and pre-defined query/answer sets show that the Color-Shape approach offers good retrieval quality with relatively low space overhead, outperforming previous approaches. Furthermore, we also show that the proposed approach is very flexible in the sense that the user may easily tune it, in order to calibrate the trade-off between space overhead and retrieval effectiveness. For instance, when compared to using global color histograms, our approach can retrieve images 80{\%} more effectively, requiring 29 times more space for metadata. Although large, this space overhead is 55{\%} smaller than the overhead of more traditional partition-based approaches with equivalent parameters. On the other hand, it can be tuned to save 15{\%} in space requirements, when compared to storing a single global color histogram, while still being capable of yielding a 30{\%} more effective retrieval.