A Context-Dependent Attention System for a Social Robot.
Social Robot Toolkit
Sticking together
Blended reality characters
Teachable robots: Understanding human teaching behavior to build more effective robot learners
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children - IDC ’11
Proceedings of the seventh annual ACM/IEEE international conference on Human-Robot Interaction - HRI ’12
Proceedings of the 2012 ACM annual conference extended abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts - CHI EA ’12
Artificial Intelligence
Connection Science
Proceeding of the ACM/IEEE international conference on Human-robot interaction - HRI ’07
Andrea L. Thomaz
B. Scassellati
Angela Chang
R. A. Brooks
Maryanne Wolf
Tinsley Galyean
Interaction and Experience in Enactive Intelligence and Humanoid Robotics
Learning About Objects with Human Teachers
Code Collage
A Survey of Artificial Cognitive Systems: Implications for the Autonomous Development of Mental Capabilities in Computational Agents
An Interactive, Cyber-physical Read-aloud Environment: Results and Lessons from an Evaluation Activity with Children and Their Teachers