Knowledge discovery in digital libraries of electronic theses and dissertations: an NDLTD case study.
Extended Boolean information retrieval
An OAI-based Digital Library Framework for Biodiversity Information Systems
A relevance feedback approach for the author name disambiguation problem
Integrating Image and Spatial Data for Biodiversity Information Management
A New Framework to Combine Descriptors for Content-based Image Retrieval
IC Technical Reports 2010
Communications of the ACM
IC Technical Reports 2009
Proceedings of the 16th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval - SIGIR ’93
International Journal on Digital Libraries
IC Technical Reports 2011
Ricardo da Silva Torres
Marcos Gonçalves
Nadia P. Kozievitch
Claudia Bauzer Medeiros
Eric M. Hallerman
Baoping Zhang
Em direção à construção automática de Mapas Conceituais a partir de textos