Tools and Environments for Multicore and Many-Core Architectures
Measuring and modeling on-chip interconnect power on real hardware
Automatic Command Queue Scheduling for Task-Parallel Workloads in OpenCL
Coordinating Computation and I/O in Massively Parallel Sequence Search
CPU MISER: A Performance-Directed, Run-Time System for Power-Aware Clusters
2015 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing
2007 International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP 2007)
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
Pavan Balaji
Heshan Lin
Huang Ashutosh P
Joseph L G
Vignesh Adhinarayanan I
Kirk W. Cameron
Towards Energy Proportionality for Large-scale Latency-critical Workloads
ACIC: Automatic Cloud I/O Configurator for HPC Applications
California speedway
Data movement aware computation partitioning