Activity Pad: Teaching Tool Combining Tangible Interaction and Affordance of Paper
Pervasive Service Computing: Visions and Challenges
NFC-based interactive learning environments for children
What if it Switched on the Sun? Exploring Creativity in a Brainstorming Session with Children Through a Vygotskyan Perspective
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children - IDC ’11
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)
2010 10th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology
Marta Cortés
Iván Sanchéz Milara
Mikko Pyykkönen
Mika Ylianttila
Ekaterina Gilman
Mika Oja
Empowering children through design and making
The Choreography of Conceptual Development in Computer Supported Instructional Environments