Title of tutorial: Designing immersive VR systems: From bits to bolts
Multi-projector VR Systems
From Tapping to Touching: Making Touch Screens Accessible to Blind Users
A comparative study of interaction metaphors for large-scale displays
Sketch-based modeling: A survey
Sketch-based modeling with few strokes
Proceedings of the 21st spring conference on Computer graphics - SCCG ’05
IEEE MultiMedia
Proceedings of the 27th international conference extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems - CHI EA ’09
Computers & Graphics
2010 23RD SIBGRAPI - Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images Tutorials
2012 IEEE Virtual Reality (VR)
Mario Costa Sousa
Alberto Barbosa Raposo
Bruno R. de Araujo
Jose Miguel Salles Dias
Luciano P. Soares
Felipe Gomes de Carvalho
Interaction with 3D Models on Large Displays Using 3D Input Techniques
Audio-Based Feedback Techniques for Teaching Touchscreen Gestures
Follow that sound: Using Sonification and Corrective Verbal Feedback to Teach Touchscreen Gestures
Multi-Device Storyboards for Cinematic Narratives in VR
Purple Crayon: From Sketches to Interactive Environment