Car that Knows Before You Do: Anticipating Maneuvers via Learning Temporal Driving Models
Learning human activities and object affordances from RGB-D videos
3D-Based Reasoning with Blocks, Support, and Stability
Hallucinated Humans as the Hidden Context for Labeling 3D Scenes
A novel remote user authentication scheme using bilinear pairings
2013 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)
Computers & Security
The International Journal of Robotics Research
Rudhir Gupta
Hema Swetha Koppula
Tsuhan Chen
Andrew Gallagher
Zhaoyin Jia
Shane Soh
Octree-Based 3D Logic and Computation of Spatial Relationships in Live Video Query Processing
Human Weapon-Activity Recognition in Surveillance Videos Using Structural-RNN
Shape2Pose: Human-centric Shape Analysis
Evaluating Physical Quantities and Learning Human Utilities from RGBD Videos
An Anonymous ID-based Remote Mutual Authentication with Key Agreement Protocol on ECC Using Smart Cards