Energy Efficient Seismic Wave Propagation Simulation on a Low-Power Manycore Processor
Saving energy by exploiting residual imbalances on iterative applications
Performance/energy trade-off in scientific computing: the case of ARM big.LITTLE and Intel Sandy Bridge
ComprehensiveBench: a Benchmark for the Extensive Evaluation of Global Scheduling Algorithms
On the energy efficiency and performance of irregular application executions on multicore, NUMA and manycore platforms
Seismic wave propagation simulations on low-power and performance-centric manycores
Parallel Computing
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience
IET Computers & Digital Techniques
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
2014 21st International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC)
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux
Jean-Francois Mehaut
Philippe Navaux
Emilio Francesquini
Fabrice Dupros
Mario Antonio Ribeiro Dantas