A Evolução e o Impacto da Pesquisa em Desenvolvimento Distribuído de Software no Brasil
Towards a GSE International Teaching Network: Mapping Global Software Engineering Courses
On the Identification of Best Practices for Improving the Efficiency of Testing Activities in Distributed Software Projects: Preliminary Findings from an Empirical Study
Evaluating the REMO-EKD Technique: A Technique for the Elicitation of Software Requirements Based on EKD Organizational Models
Elicitação de Requisitos a partir de Modelos de Processos de Negócio e Modelos Organizacionais: Uma pesquisa para definição de técnicas baseadas em heurísticas
An Approach for the Elicitation of Usability Requirements in the Development of Web Applications
Tayana Uchôa Conte
Rafael Prikladnicki
Davi Viana dos Santos
Cleidson Ronald Botelho de Souza
M. A. B. Oliveira
Sérgio Roberto Costa Vieira